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And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17

Team and individual sport opportunities are coached with an emphasis on good sportsmanship and stewardship. By participating in volleyball, tennis, soccer, basketball or cross country after school programs, students have the opportunity to develop physical discipline and skill during regular practices and interscholastic competitions.

We provide the following sports:

Girls Volleyball: Middle School
Boys/Girls Soccer: Lower School and Middle School
Boys/Girls Basketball: Middle School and High School
Coed Cross County: Middle School and High School
Boys Flag Football

Contact the School Office at (704)-549-4101 for more information.

CCA Stats:

CCA is a member of the CGAA (Charlotte-Gaston Athletic Association.)

Boys/Girls Soccer: Lower School and Middle School
Co-Ed MS Soccer Conference Runner Up: 2012-2013
Co-Ed MS Soccer Tournament Runner Up: 2011-2012

Boys/Girls Basketball: Middle School and High School

Boys MS Basketball Conference Champion: 2016-2017
Boys MS Basketball Conference Tournament Champion: 2016-2017
Boys MS Basketball Conference Champion: 2015-2016
Boys MS Basketball Conference Tournament Champion: 2015-2016
Boys MS Basketball Conference Runner Up: 2014-2015
Boys MS Basketball Conference Tournament Runner Up: 2014-2015
Boys MS Basketball Conference Runner Up: 2012-2013
Girls MS Basketball Conference Champion: 2014-2015
Girls MS Basketball Conference Tournament Champion: 2014-2015
Girls MS Basketball Conference Co-Champion: 2013-2014
Girls MS Basketball Conference Runner Up: 2012-2013
Girls MS Basketball Conference Tournament Champion: 2011-2012
JV Boys Basketball Conference Champion: 2014-2015
JV Boys Basketball Conference Tournament Champion: 2014-2015

Co-Ed MS Flag Football
Co-Ed MS Flag Football Tournament Runner Up: 2014-2015

Coed Cross County: 4th Grade and up

Boys MS Cross Country Conference Runner Up: 2016-2017
Boys MS Cross-Country Conference Finals Champion: 2015-2016
Boys MS Cross-Country Conference Runner Up: 2015-2016
Girls MS Cross-Country Conference Runner Up: 2014-2015
Co-Ed MS Cross-Country Tournament Champion: 2012-2013
Co-Ed MS Cross-Country Conference Champion: 2012-2013
Co-Ed MS Cross-Country Conference Champion: 2012-2013