CCAC desires to enhance its learning environment in positive ways. Research and experience demonstrate that a more formal dress standard has a positive impact on a student’s frame of mind. In light of these findings and with respect to the values of modesty and moderation, Campus Wear guidelines have been designed as a standard for our academic school setting.
1. Wherever and whenever CCAC Campus Wear is worn, it should be done so with an awareness of the responsibility to represent CCAC in a positive light.
2. All Campus Wear must be maintained in good repair and should be well-fitted, not oversized or too tight. Parents will be notified if any item is not being worn correctly or needs to be replaced.
3. All boy’s shirts must be tucked in at all times. T-shirts worn under the polo or oxford are to be plain (no printing) white.
4. Belts (brown or black, leather or leather-like) must be worn if a garment has belt loops.
5. The length of shorts, skirts, skorts, and jumpers will be three inches above the knee or longer. Jeans: No holes in jeans.
6. Extremes in jewelry and accessories are not permitted. Tattoos are not permitted. Items such as wristbands, multiple necklaces, bracelets, rope or heavy-linked jewelry are informal and inappropriate for school wear. Girls: Only pierced ears are permitted. Boys, no pierced or pierced-look jewelry of any kind should be worn.
7. Hair regulations: Students’ hair should never become a distraction to the school performance of themselves or others. Hair should be clean, neatly combed, and of normal, natural color. Facial hair is to be neatly trimmed or shaven.
8. Head coverings may not be worn inside school buildings. This includes hats, caps, hoods, durags, etc…
9. Shoes: students should not wear crocs, flip-flops, water or beach shoes, or house shoes.
10. Outerwear: students may wear any outerwear garment to school. During the school hours of 7:50 – 3:00, only the approved CCAC outerwear items are permitted to be worn.
CHAPEL/DRESS UNIFORM for lower and middle school: (which can be worn on any other day)
Girl’s Dress Uniform: Polo/Blouse: white or light blue polo or stretch blouse with logo (short or long sleeves). Jumper or skirts: navy or plaid jumper (scoop or v-neck) or navy or plaid skirt. The plaid jumper, clear blue plaid, is the only plaid allowed. A logo isn’t required if your child is wearing a jumper.
Boy’s Dress Uniform: Polo: White or light blue, short or long-sleeved polo with logo Pants or shorts: navy pants or navy shorts. Belts are required for grades 5-8, if pants have belt loops.
Girls: Shorts, skirts, pants: navy or khaki walking shorts, pants, skirts (plain or plaid) skorts, or capris (no nylon, no spandex) Jumper: navy or khaki or plaid Shirts: white, navy, light blue, black (Upper School Only), or burgundy - long or short-sleeved polo shirt, turtleneck, mock turtleneck or blouse Sweater/Cardigan: Solid white, navy, light blue, black (Upper School Only), or burgundy Sweatshirt: white, navy, light blue, black (Upper School Only), or burgundy. The only hooded sweatshirt permitted must have the CCAC logo.
Boys: Shirts: white, navy, light blue, black (Upper School Only) or burgundy - long or short-sleeved polo, oxford, turtleneck, or mock turtleneck Pants or shorts: navy and khaki. Belts are required for grades 5-8 if pants have belt loops. Sweater or Cardigan: Solid white, navy, light blue, black (Upper School Only), or burgundy Sweatshirt: white, navy, light blue, black (Upper School Only), or burgundy. The only hooded sweatshirt permitted must have the CCAC logo.
CASUAL DAY Jeans, Pants, Khakis, Capris, and Shorts hemlines may not be more than 3 inches above the kneecap with CCAC/bobcat logo t-shirt or sweatshirt. Only CCAC hooded sweatshirts may be worn
PE UNIFORMS T-shirts and shorts (with logo) are required for 6th-12th grade students. Two sets are suggested. Navy sweats may be worn over gym uniforms on cold days. PE Uniforms are only available from our school store. Please see the school office for ordering information.