BIG news: Back Creek Christian Academy is now Christ Classical Academy of Charlotte.
Three years ago, with the help of our generous donors and friends, BCCA transitioned to a new location on Harrisburg Road. The move opened the door for the school to adopt a name that communicates more than a physical location—a name that more closely aligns with our identity. After much prayerful deliberation and stakeholder engagement, the school chose the name Christ Classical Academy of Charlotte. It is our hope that the new name articulates our distinctive—Christian Classical Community. Each aspect of the name and the logo have been carefully parsed to communicate these ideas.
The open book represents both the knowledge that is gained from a classical education and the Bible, our foundation for thinking and living. At Christ Classical, Jesus’ story serves as the meta-narrative that informs all studies. The cross, resting in the center of the shield, reminds us to keep Christ at the center of all we do.
The laurels around the shield represent our classical approach to learning. The laurel crown, presented to Olympians or prize-winning poets, exemplifies preparedness and singularity of purpose. Christ classical is committed to intellectual preparedness that serves as a framework for thinking and living.
Used since ancient times as protection, shields are associated with shelter. They also are used in family emblems. The shield on the logo symbolizes our value for community—a commitment to the emotional growth of students through relationships and boundaries that serve as a structure for thinking and learning